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Conversations With

Resolve the internal struggles that drain your time, energy, and focus. 

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Boost your conversations by listening to this  351 seconds meditation 
Sometimes the conflict that is draining our energy, depleting our mindspace, and derailing our focus is the one we don’t know that we’re having. It’s the judgments and criticisms we carry about ourselves: “I should be getting this done…”, “I know what I need to be doing, I’m just not doing it.” “I wasted my time! I need to organize my time better…"


Alexandra Soto

Before coaching, I was 100% a people pleaser. This attitude was holding me back from reaching my true potential. Through coaching, I have been able to clear the path of what others expect from me and am now answering the call to my own expectations. I now have the clarity to be the leader I always envisioned and am navigating my own online business.
Thank you, Leah, for being my stepping stool to get there.

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